
My name is Tracy Lawanda  and I was born and raised in New Jersey. I have many years of life experience. It has taken me a long while to discover who I am and who I was called to be in this life time. I have been broken, hurt, and I've  had some good days. 

By the time I was 19 years old I had given birth to two children who are now young adults. Because I was a young mother I had to put my education on hold. When I reach the 40th chapter in my life I decided to go back to school and received a degree in Radio and Television broadcasting. Besides having my two children who gave me three grandchildren which is a blessing.  getting my degree was another great accomplishment.

During the pandemic I also became a certificate  personal trainer and a Life Coach.  I also tapped into my love of writing and  became a book author writing my first poetry book "Poetically Speaking & I Quote." which I also self published. 

 In addition  there was a season in my life were there was a  disconnection that I experienced in living. I had to learn to reconnect with myself, and find myself, and love myself again.  I  learned to stop just  existing and start living my life here on earth on purpose with purpose.  Because of my life experience  I made a promise to myself to help others find their purpose on purpose . In this life journey i have  learned that happiness is a choice.

 I'm EXCITED for you to join me on this amazing life journey. Together we can only get better.

Your Life Coach,

Miss Tracy